8 Reasons Your Home Inspection Website Rank Might Drop

home inspection website and SEO

Home inspection websites, like all other websites, can suffer drops in search engine rankings leading to loss of traffic and, subsequently, lost business. If you’ve noticed that your website traffic and rankings are suffering, then let’s fix it by tackling 8 potential reasons for the drop. 1. Wrong Keywords Relevance of keywords changes over time. […]

Is Your Site Mobile Ready?

Home inspection websites mobile friendly

2021 will usher in some big changes in the SEO world, with one of the biggest coming in a few short weeks. Google has committed to switch to a mobile-first index starting March 2021. This move was confirmed by John Mueller, Webmaster Trends Analyst @ Google. Mueller has also provided more insight into this change […]

5 Reasons Why Home Inspectors need a Website

why home inspectors need a website

“Why does my business need a website?”. Seriously, it’s the 21st century, why ask such a ridiculous question? But, maybe the real question to ask is “What job should a website perform.” So maybe you should think about your website as an employee. After all, you’ll invest time and money into molding it and teaching […]